Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Rules for Happiness

Rules for Happiness
 1. Do not expect anything from anyone.
 2. Let go – Do not hold on to any issue.
 3. Forget everything Old – Forget the Past – Past is Past
 4. Forgive all people unconditionally.
 5. Do not try to change others – Let it be. Accept them as they are.
 6. Accept Situations, Relations and Work as they are, if you cannot change them.
 7. Do not compare yourself with those who are more 'fortunate' than you are – Be contented.
 8. Always be positive in all situations.
 9. Have no regrets for anything that has happened, just learn the lesson that was required.
 10. Enjoy each moment of life – Life is Very Very Beautiful.
 11. Love all – Life is Very Short.

Ankush D Shilimkar

Tuesday, 26 January 2016


Hugging a Loved One Has a Number of Health Benefits
 But, with all these benefits (and more), should we be selective about who we hug? According to research conducted at the University of Vienna, giving a polite embrace to someone we may not know well can have the opposite effect. In fact, when we receive unwanted hugs - be it from strangers, or people we know, the hormone oxytocin is not released - rather, anxiety levels rise and the stress hormone, cortisol is released.
 So prior to hugging someone, just ensure that it will be reciprocated. Other than that, here are 10 reasons why we should hug our loved ones more often.
 1. Hugs combat the common cold and flu
 A hug a day can keep stress-related infections and the common cold at bay. This notion has been confirmed by studies conducted by Carneige Mellon University. It was found that hugging was effective in protecting people from stress-induced vulnerability to infection, such as a viral infection.
 2. Hugging boosts your immune system
 Aside from uplifting your spirits and making you feel good, the oxytocin hormone released while hugging also increases the presence of other hormones that fight infection. The combined effect of feeling good and healthy, in turn, helps boost your immune system.
 3. Hugs help alleviate pain
 While hugs have the ability to boost your immune system, the oxytocin hormone that is released also decreases pain levels. Usually, when we feel pain, our natural response is to rub and massage the affected area. In fact, it has been found that such a simple touch releases enough oxytocin to make us feel better.
 4. Hugs lower blood pressure levels
 Once again, the hormone oxytocin plays an important role here, as it reduces cortisol in the body, thereby lowering blood pressure levels. Furthermore, when you hug another person, a type of pressure receptor on the skin, known as a Pacinian Corpuscle, is activated and sends signals to the brain that lowers blood pressure.
 5. Hugging relaxes tension in the muscles
 Hugs release tension in the body by combating pain and improving blood circulation. they also promote blood flow in soft tissues, thereby relaxing tense muscles.
 6. Hugging promotes brain health and memory
 The oxytocin hormone is truly beneficial for our bodies. When this hormone is released through hugging, it boosts our memory power. It also stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, helping to strike a balance between activeness and calmness.
 7. Hugging burns calories
 Though it may be hard to believe, hugging burns around 12 calories - it may not be much, but it's a fact worth noting.
 8. Hugging lowers your risk of heart disease
 As you may have suspected - all thanks to the oxytocin hormone! As this hormone plays such a vital role in keeping your stress levels, anxiety and blood pressure low, it also contributes to a lower risk of heart disease.
 9. Hugging reduces worries of mortality
 According to a study published in the journal of Psychological Science, hugging has the ability to keep fears of mortality at bay. The study also looked into hugging an inanimate object a teddy bear - which they found, was enough to soothe an individual's existential fears. It was also discovered that simply imagining hugging a person you love can release serotonin, dopamine and endorphine levels in the brain, triggering feelings of happiness and joy. Consequently, this will negate any worries related to mortality, as these hormones contribute to lower levels of stress.
 10. Hugging elevates your mood
 When your serotonin levels are low, you are more ly to experience feelings related to depression and loneliness. But hugging can increase the production of serotonin in the brain, helping to boost your mood as well as your self-esteem. So, if you are feeling blue - give someone you love a big hug!

Ankush D Shilimkar

10 Signs Someone Is Smarter Than You

10 Signs Someone Is Smarter Than You
 Unless you think you're the smartest, who doesn't want to be smarter? Of course I want to be smarter too, so I try to find out who's the real smart guy that maybe I can learn from. James Gardner has got me an answer on Quoraabout whether someone's smart or not.
 Here are the signs of smart people:
 1. They don't talk as much as you do, because they know they got smart by listening.
 2. They know lots of things other than what they're specialised in. Theirs is the gift of a broad mind, constantly fed with the stimulant of being interested in what everyone else is doing.
 3. They juggle home, work and personal interests with dexterity and never fall back on the tired old refrain about "work life balance". And when they're juggling, they somehow manage to seem 100% engaged with what they're doing, on all fronts simultaneously, even though you know they're taking appropriate steps behind the scenes to make sure their lives are perfectly, serenely balanced.
 4. They probably do social media. Not always, but probably. It is not only another chance to listen, but one they use to ensure they can feed their brains with things they otherwise won't have come across.
 5. Even when things go very badly wrong, they'll be smiling. Smart people never get ruffled because their smart brains present them with alternatives faster than the bad stuff can happen.
 6. They know they are usually the smartest person in the room, but they don't spend their time dwelling on that. Instead, they take it as a personal challenge to see if they can make everyone else the smartest person in the room too.
 7. If they are managers, they will make every effort to get people smarter, more connected and more popular than them in their teams. They're not threatened because they know that smartness is synergistic. They also make sure that their smart people get to look smarter than them for the same reason.
 8. They have hidden skills that never get rolled out until they're needed. They don't have any need to show their full capabilities for reasons of proving they're better than others.
 9. They may or may not have expensive educations. You'd never know just by being with them unless you had their CV in front of you.
 10. They never, ever, under any circumstances, make you look stupid, even though it would be easy to do so. They've learned through bitter experience that the only thing that happens when you make someone look bad is you look bad yourself.
 Now you should know who the smart people are. If you want to be the smart one, let me give you this extra advice from Steve Jobs "Stay hungry. Stay foolish."

Ankush D Shilimkar

Thursday, 21 January 2016

17 Body Language Mistakes We All Make

In several famous studies by Dr. Albert Mehrabian, it was found that 7% of communication is verbal, 38% is vocal (sounds) and 55% is NON-VERBAL.
 That means that most of the signals we send to those we talk to involve no words, no sound, just our body language. Studies show that most of us commit these little errors every day without being aware of them. So if you want to better protect your thoughts and avoid offense, check out these 17 common mistakes we all make with our daily body language.
 1. Smiling only with our mouths
 I love smiling, and it's great to see one, no doubt. But when the smile isn't naturally occurring, when you only smile with your mouth but don't let the rest of the face participate - you create a silly impression at best and appear phony at worst. If you feel the need to smile, remember to smile with your entire face and truly mean it.

 2. Looking up or around you
 When your eyes start to wander in the middle of a conversation, especially going up, this sends the message that you are not listening, not interested or not focused. When people are talking to you, look right at them.

 3. Fiddling with objects around you.
 When we're tense we tend to fiddle with stuff in our hands - roll, tear or play with an object (this includes personal grooming or removing cat hair from your shirt). You may be surprised to hear this, but body language experts agree that this doesn't show nerves, it looks you are not agreeing with what the other person is saying.

 4. Crossing your arms and legs
 Crossing your arms and/or legs is a comfortable position, and when we're tense we often feel a strong urge to do so because it makes us feel more protected. However, the other side of this coin is that the person in front of you feels as if you are closing yourselves off to the conversation and to them emotionally.

 5. Fidgeting
 Restless legs, changing postures every minute, drumming with your fingers or moving your head from side to side - may just indicate you find your chair uncomfortable or perhaps you need to go to the bathroom. But for the person in front of you, the feeling is of nervous ticks that may distract them from what they were saying, or make them feel you aren't really listening.

 6. Not looking the other person in the eyes
 This is one of the staples of inter-personal communication: Avoiding eye contact, say body language experts, is the first step to bad communication. If you meet someone and they almost never look you in the eyes, you probably felt quite uncomfortable during the conversation. That said, eyeballing someone isn't good either, as it can seem aggressive. Keep eye contact for a few seconds at a time, then look away, and return to eye contact when the other person is talking to you.

 7. Keeping our hands on our hips
 Many of us place our hands on the hips, with elbows facing outwards, so in an subconscious way we feel the need to 'enlarge' ourselves and leave more room for our personal space. This is a defensive position but one that can be interpeted as threatening to the other person. So unless you are going for intimidation, leave the hands relaxed and placed on the thighs or the sides of the body.

 8. Keeping our head low
 Lowering your head sends a message of shyness, surrender and even shame. Without even noticing, it places you on a lower status than the person you are talking to. So remember to lift your head and look at the other person directly.

 9. Nodding too much
 When we listen to another and want to show him we agree without interrupting him, we nod. So far so good. The problem is that too much nodding can show you as submissive, as if you are trying to please the other person too much. If you feel you're nodding too much, try to catch yourselves doing it and deliberately switch to some verbal cues "yes" or "I agree".

 10. Doodling on a piece of paper
 Sometimes, during a meeting, you need to write some things down, and that's fine. But while you're not writing something important, don't doodle. Keep that for another time. Why? Because that lack of focus is transmitted to the other person, telling them they are wasting their time with you, and of course - it prevents eye contact.

 11. Rolling our eyes
 Sure, this gesture can be comical around friends and family, but we might be so u ...sed to it we do it in an official meeting, which can cause very bad results. Doing this amongst strangers shows not only that you do not agree with what they are saying, but may also convey a lack of respect. It summons the image of a sullen teenager who is just waiting to be left alone. In short - it is rude, and you'd be best avoiding it.

 12. 'Melting' into our chair
 The antidote to a stressful meeting is not lounging or melting into your chair or sofa (lowered shoulders, putting your elbows on the table, leaning back with spread legs etc.) This kind of posture may transmit a lack of caring to the other side, and that you're not really interested in having a conversation at the moment. Sit straight but not rigid, and if you are standing - stand firm.

 13. Playing with our hair
 Playing with your hair is very common in flirtation, so its perfect for a romantic date. However, if we're talking about a business meeting or any other stressful event, keep your hands away from your hair. Playing with your hair may be interpeted as being nervous, rolling or even chewing the hair may be signs of a lack of maturity.

 14. Pinching our nose while closing our eyes
 This movement is what experts see as if you saying to the other person that you are not happy with them and have a negative view of their actions. If you have a headache or sinus pain, you may be doing it without noticing. But try to explain why you are doing it to avoid giving the wrong impression.

 15. Touching our nose too often
 If you feel an itch, by all means, scratch that nose. But often touching the nose may, subconsciously, send the message you are either lying or hiding something. There's even a medical explanation for it: When our blood pressure rises ( when we lie), our nose tissue and cells create histamine, which causes an itch. Your partner may not know this, but subconsciously they can feel the connection between nose touching and lying.

 16. Standing with our body pointing at the exit
 This is true in any culture. If you want to show your conversation partner respect and interest, you must face them. If you are turning, even with only half your body, towards the door or any other exit in the room, the message is sent that you cannot wait to finish this conversation so you can leave and do other things. If you notice this, correct yourselves and face your partner once again.

 17. Cross our hands behind our back
 In movies and television shows, we see this kind of stance as connected to learned types or grizzled army men. In reality, standing with your hands behind your back transmits anger, disagreement with what is being said and even a hint of threat or violence. So please, leave this pose to the actors.

Ankush D Shilimkar

Your Body Talks: The A to Z of Vitamin Deficiencies

The A to Z of Vitamin Deficiencies
 Because many people eat unhealthy and processed foods, many essential vitamins might be skipped in a daily diet, leaving your body not functioning as it should. The human body shows us when something is not quite right. This article will help you understand the symptoms of vitamin deficiencies, helping you prevent damage and disorders from rearing their ugly heads.
 Since vitamins participate in all body functions and reactions, a deficiency or even poor intake of one of them, can affect your body’s daily functioning. This creates the perfect opportunity for diseases to occur.
 These 5 common indicators suggest that you have a vitamin deficiency.

 1. Hair loss and rashes
 When you frequently experience body rashes and hair loss, an indication as to why it occurs could be low zinc, as well as vitamins B7, A, D, E and K. Hair loss is especially indicative of an insufficient intake of zinc. Similarly when you lack iron, wounds will take longer to heal, skin will be drier, and rashes, red spots, and dark bruises may appear. While you can take vitamin supplements, iron and zinc can be consumed through diet.
 Try increasing the amount of dried fruit, whole grains and dairy products you eat. Button mushrooms, bananas, pumpkin seeds, avocados, raspberries and brewer’s yeast are especially helpful. It is also recommended that you eat less eggs, as they may interfere with your body’s ability to absorb vitamin B7.

 2. Cracked mouth corners
 This unpleasant symptom is commonly associated with a vitamin B deficiency, specifically B12, B2, and B3, and may also indicate a lack of iron or zinc. Vitamin B can be found in seafood such as clams, oysters, salmon, and tuna. Eating more eggs also helps.
 If you are vegetarian increase your intake of lentils, peanuts, dried tomatoes, sesame, and chard. It’s also important to increase your intake of vitamin C, as this allows iron to be absorbed more easily. Try combining these foods with broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and red peppers.

 3. Cheek, arm and thigh acne
 When red spots start to appear on your cheeks, arms and thighs, this could indicate that your body is lacking in essential fatty acids and vitamins A and D. The spots will appear small sacks with sebum. They can sometimes be painful to touch. To solve this issue, you need to reduce the amount of saturated and trans fats you eat. Switch to healthier fats flax seeds, fish, almonds, dried fruit, and walnuts. You can also increase your vitamin A levels by eating more sweet potatoes, red peppers, and carrots.

4. Cramps and dull pain in your feet and legs
 This will start to happen when your body doesn’t have enough calcium, magnesium, and potassium. This can also be due to strenuous exercises, whereby your body loses water-soluble vitamins Vitamin B. Your vitamin B levels often drop when you sweat excessively. But, this doesn't mean that you need to live in the North Pole or stop exercising. Rather, increase your intake of nuts and fruit such as bananas, almonds, hazelnuts, cherries, apples and grapefruit. Vegetables pumpkin, spinach, broccoli and cabbage also help.

5. Burning, itching and numbness in your arms and legs
 When these you feel these symptoms it’s ly due to a lack of vitamins B6, B9 (folic acid) and B12. When you have insufficient amounts of these vitamins, your skin’s nerve endings are affected and it can also cause fatigue, anemia, depression and hormonal imbalance. You can increase your intake of legumes,as well as more vegetables asparagus and spinach. You can also try to up your intake of seafood and eggs.
 Here’s a handy visual guide to help you

Ankush D Shilimkar

Monday, 18 January 2016


It is the art of living, the purpose of our existence. Happiness is the true index of quality of life. Without happiness, life is dry and meaningless. With happiness, life immediately becomes fulfilling and wonderful. Happiness is an infectious feeling that immediately lifts the sagging spirits of people. Happy people keep themselves happy because they know the little ways to appreciate themselves and to see the humour and magic in each moment.

Ankush D Shilimkar

Ego and the Waiting Vultures!

 Two Lions with inflated EGO, reached the pool at the same time to drink water.
 Both of them wanted to have water first.
 A ferocious fight to the finish as to who will drink water first, broke out. Soon they were bloodied all over.
 It is then they saw Vultures flying over them, looking down hungrily. Soon they realized their folly, stopped the fight and started Drinking water TOGETHER.

 Had they continued to fight, both of them would have been devoured by Vultures.
 There is a Lesson for all of us to Learn in this short story.
 TOGETHERNESS is Bliss. Together you Achieve More.
 Pushed by Ego, when you fight with each other specially for petty things, always remember, Vultures are waiting above or on the sidelines.
 When someone shares with you something of Value,
 You have an obligation to share it with others.
 Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle
 and the life of candle is not shortened.
 Same way, Happiness never decreases by Sharing.
 Don’t live as taker member of society, but live as a Giver Member. Life will then, become an enjoyable experience.
 Never believe what lines of your hands predict.
 Because, people who don’t have hands, also have Future.

Ankush D Shilimkar

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Why Worry

Why Worry
 I can make a hobby out of worrying. It is useful to take an interest in what goes on around me, and of course it is always wise to analyse a situation and take the necessary steps to avoid being influenced by anything negative. However, if my mind is tense and burdened from worry, I may not be able to function clearly enough to arrive at a suitable solution to a problem. Maybe I should just do the best that I can and beyond that leave it in the hands of God. To have faith in the self, faith in God and faith in God's plan is a sure way to remain clear and free of burdens.
 Master of the Self
 The one who is the master is the one who creates positive thoughts under all circumstances. The one who is the master of himself is always able to create the right kind of thoughts according to the circumstance. Never is there the dependency on situations or people for the right kind of responses. Since there is mastery over thoughts, there is also mastery over all words spoken and everything done. When we are able to be a master of ourselves, we are able to constantly create positive thoughts. We are in touch with the inner resources and we are able to make use of these resources in a timely way. We never get confused or pressurized with outside situations, but are able to be in control in all situations.

Ankush D Shilimkar

Monday, 11 January 2016


Big House but Small Family.
 More Degrees but less Common Sense.
 Advance Medicine but Poor Health.
 Touched Moon but Neighbour Unknown.
 Good Knowledge but less Wisdom.
 Innumerable Friends on Facebook but no Real Friend.
 Costly Watches but No Time. & finally,
 High Income but Shallow Heart (for others).
 Hence, Lots of Money but No Peace.

 FAITH may not move mountains literally but gives you enough Strength and Power to Climb Them.
 FAITH gives you Patience, Persistence, Determination & Confidence to ride over Life’s Adversities & Challenges.

Ankush D Shilimkar

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Sad but true

A teacher after the dinner she started checking homework done by the students. Her husband is strolling around with a smart phone playing his favourite game ‘Candy Crush Saga’.
When reading the last note, the wife starts crying with silent tears.
 Her husband saw this and asked, ‘Why are you crying dear? What happened?’
Wife: ‘Yesterday I gave homework to my 1st Standard students, to write something on topic -My Wish-.’
Husband: ‘OK, but why are you crying?’
Wife: ‘Today while checking the last note, it makes me crying.’
Husband curiously: ‘What’s written in the note that makes you crying?’
Wife: ‘Listen’
My wish is to become a smart phone.
 My parents love smart phone very much.
 They care smart phone so much that sometimes they forget to care me.
 When my father comes from office tired, he has time for smart phone but not for me.
 When my parents are doing some important work and smart phone is ringing, within single ring they attend the phone, but not me even...
 even if I am crying.

 They play games on their smart phones not with me.
 When they are talking to someone on their smart phone, they never listen to me even if I am telling something important.
 So, My wish is to become a smart phone.
 After listening the note husband got emotional and asked the wife, ‘who wrote this?’.
Wife: ‘Our son’.
Gadgets are beneficial, but they are for our ease not to cease the love amongst family and loved ones.

 Children see and feel everything what happens with & around them. Things get imprinted on their mind with an everlasting effect. Let’s take due care, so that they do not grow with any false impressions......

Ankush D Shilimkar

8 Pressure Points That Will Reduce Your Stress in Seconds

We all have our ways of dealing with stress. Some people escape to a sunny beach, some prefer a nice glass of wine, and others even do their best to ignore it. Each way has its advantages (and sometimes disadvantages), but we can’t always do what helps at the exact moment we need to. This is where pressure points become a quick and effective long-term solution. Pressure points are areas in the body that can trigger various effects in our bodies and minds when pressure is applied to them.
 The Scalp

 The Scalp is full of pressure points, many that can effectively and discretely reduce stress levels. You can sit at your office desk, lean back and use two fingers to massage the point where the neck meets the skull for about 20 seconds. Much of the stress we accumulate during the day collects in the shoulders and neck muscles, and applying pressure to this point can relieve much of it.
 The Ear
 This pressure point is known as Shen Men (The Spirit Gate), and some experts claim it’s the best stress-relieving point in the body. In reflexology, it’s also used to reduce inflammation and pain throughout the body. It’s recommended that you massage this spot with a cotton bud or even a pen, and to take deep, slow breaths during the massage.
 The Chest
 Stress can make us forget to breathe, or take shallow breaths. This point helps reduce the stress that accumulates in your chest, while reminding you to breathe normally again. Use three fingers to massage this point, or one finger to tap rhythmically on the area while taking deep breaths. If you experience chronic stress, combine massaging this point with the point between your eyebrows. The connection between these two points helps to calm the nervous system.
 The Stomach

 Many reflexologists prefer to use this point because it helps create movement that frees the chest and diaphragm, which improves the breathing process. Patients who have this treatment instinctively take deeper breaths and almost always report a sensation or relief.
 The Forearm
 This is a classic spot for reflexology and acupuncture. Stress and anxiety create reverse energy flow in the body, which this spot is supposed to repair. It helps your energy to move in the right direction while aiding your mental focus and reducing stress.
 The Palm
 The moment you press on this spot, you’ll feel your stress evaporating. It is located on one of the most important meridians (an energy channel), which affects the heart, liver, and pancreas. It is believed that much of the stress we experience is stored in the liver, so applying pressure on this point is highly effective. It is also a great spot for treating headaches, stomachaches, indigestion, and insomnia – all of which could be symptoms of stress.
 The Calves
 If you feel stress in the upper part of your body, massaging this spot is perfect. The area could be quite tender in people who deal with a lot of stress, and in women in particular.
 The Foot
 Pressure on this point can help ease a stressed mind that keeps rethinking whatever it is that causes your stress. Some reflexologists believe that this is the best meridian for treating the pancreas and that its location, in the center of the foot, helps patients reduce stress and provide better attention to their bodies.

Ankush D Shilimkar

Wednesday, 6 January 2016


Why is it so difficult for us to forgive others? Why do we find it so hard to let go?
 Sometimes, even years after a certain incident took place; sometimes, even after they have apologized; sometimes, when they have hurt you unknowingly and have no idea that you are struggling to forgive them.
 Why? Why?? Because we are usually under the misconception that we will be doing them a favor by forgiving them.
 In fact, that is not the case. Many other emotions stem from the lack of forgiveness. We hold guilt, shame, frustration and close the shutters of our heart to the sunshine of life. When we forgive someone, we actually do ourselves a huge favor because through forgiveness, we release all the negative thoughts, emotions and energies that we are so desperately holding onto in our anger.
 Replaying the moment again and again in our mind, torturing ourselves in so many ways.... It hurts us more than them, when we don't forgive.
 We find it hard to forgive because we think we are in a more powerful position when we hold back forgiveness. Actually we are the weak ones, if that's the kind of power we rely on to give us strength.
 We are also not able to forgive because we take everything so personally.
 Probably the other person didn't deliberately do it with the conscious intention of hurting you.
 Sometimes they are just trying to protect themselves and that's the best way they know. Haven't you heard of the saying 'the best defence is offence'? We need to give the benefit of doubt to others and not take things too personally. So even if they did that for selfish reasons, go ahead and forgive.
 First, forgive yourself for holding onto the grudge.
 Then, forgive the other person.
 Finally, be proud of yourself.

Ankush D Shilimkar

10 Remedies for dark circles & puffy Eyes

10 Remedies for Dark Circles and Puffy Eyes
 One of the main reasons that we get dark circles around are eyes is genetics, but also getting older, dry skin, crying, long hours facing a computer screen, stress, lack of sleep and an unhealthy diet. Men and women from different age groups can suffer this problem, and even though it's not a health risk, no one looks to look exhausted and tired.
 Luckily, there are a number of handy home remedies that'll get rid of those dark shadows with a few common ingredients found in any home.
 1. Turmeric
 Turmeric has both antioxidants and anti-inflammation properties and so can be used to freshen your skin and fix that tired look. Take the powder and mix it with pineapple water to create a thick mix. Smear the mix under your eyes, leave for 10 minutes and then wipe with a moist, soft cloth. Aside from removing the circles, it will soften your skin. Use daily until you see the desired effects.
 2. Raw Potato
 Potatoes have natural bleaching agents that can help you brighten up those circles. Take 1-2 cool potatoes and smash them until you can get the juice out. Now, dip a cotton ball in the potato juice and put on your (closed) eyes. Make sure the juice covers the black circles as well as the lids. Leave for 10-15 minutes and then rinse your eyelids well with cold water. If you don't want to use the juice, you can also just slice it like the cucumber with the same process, but the juice will be more potent.
 3. Tomatoes
 Yes, tomatoes too can help lighten the skin under your eyes. Take a spoon of tomato juice and mix with one spoon of lemon juice. Put the mix (using cotton balls again) gently on the eyes and leave for 10 minutes. Then, rinse with clean water. Do this twice a day to get rid of puffiness and dark skin.
 4. Rose Water
 A quick fix for those circles makes use of the great skin care benefits of rose water. Take cotton bandages and soak them in rose water for a few minutes. Then, place them on your closed eyelids for about 15 minutes. The rose water has a calming effect on the eyes and the skin around it. This solution can remove the dark circles completely if used twice a day for several weeks.
 5. Almond Oil
 Almond oil is another natural ingredient that benefits the delicate skin around our eyes. Regular use of almond oil can brighten the skin as well as nourish it. Take a little almond oil, place on the dark circles and gently massage it into the skin. Leave it overnight and wash with cold water in the morning.
 Do this every day until the circles are completely gone. If you don't have almond oil, you can also use a Vitamin E enriched oil.
 6. Lemon Juice
 The high vitamin C content in lemon juice can serve to remove the circles. Dip a cotton ball in fresh lemon juice and apply to the skin around your eyes for 10 minutes before washing it off.
 Another option is to make a thick mix by mixing one table spoon of lemon juice with 2 table spoons of tomato paste, a smidgen of humus flour and turmeric powder. Smear the mix gently around the eyes and leave on for 10-15 minutes, then wash with clean water. Repeat this 2-3 times a week and the skin will soon become much lighter.
 7. Cold Water
 Cold water can narrow the blood vessels underneath the eyes and help reduce puffiness and dark circles. Dip a clean, soft cloth in cold water or milk and put directly on the eyelids for several minutes.
 Another option is to wrap a few ice cubes in a soft cloth and hold them under the eyes. A bag of frozen peas, of cold tea or even a cold spoon can also help. Repeat this 3-4 times a week for several weeks.
 8. Apple
 An apple too can provide a natural solution for removing those stubborn circles. Slice them up thickly and put under your eyes for 30 minutes before washing with cold water. Put some relaxing cream after this is done.
 Another course of action is to make a mash of green, cooked apples and put under the eyes for half an hour, then wash with lukewarm water.
 9. Mint
 Mint has a cooling effect on the skin that naturally removes the dark skin. Take a few fresh mint leaves and mash them gently. Smear the mix on your eyes and leave for 10-15 minutes. Gently rub away with a clean cloth.
 Another option is adding mint leaves to tomato juice and smear under the eyes, leaving it for several minutes and then washing with cold water.
 10. Cucumber
 The cucumber is an age old solution for black circles. It is good at making your skin look lighter. For a quick fix for those circles, take a fresh cucumber and slice it into thick slices. Put them in the fridge for 30 minutes, then put the slices on the area of your eye for 10 minutes and rinse with water. This solution has a calming and refreshing effect.
 Cucumber slices
 Another option is to mix cucumber juice with lemon juice in equal amounts, and use a cotton ball to apply to the skin underneath the eyes. Leave the cotton on for about 15 minutes and then rinse with water. Do this every day for a week and the puffiness, as well as the dark areas, will shy away.

Ankush D Shilimkar

Monday, 4 January 2016

Who is a happy Soul?

1. A Happy Soul stops trying to change others, but instead focus on changing self.
 2. A Happy Soul is one who accepts people for who they are.
 3. A Happy Soul is one who understands that everyone is right in one's own perspective.
 4. A Happy Soul is one who learns to "let go".
 5. A "Happy Soul is one who is able to drop expectations from every relationship and gives for the sake of giving.
 6. A Happy Soul is one who understands that whatever we do, we do it for our own peace.
 7. A Happy Soul is one who stops proving to the world, how intelligent one is.
 8. A Happy Soul is one who does not seek approval from others.
 9. A Happy Soul is one who stops comparing with others.
 10. A Happy Soul is one who is at peace with oneself.
 11. A Happy Soul is one who is able to differentiate between "need" and "want" and is able to let go of one's wants.
 12. A Happy Soul is one who stops attaching "happiness" to material things. ����

Ankush D Shilimkar

The Health Benefits of Silence

The Health Benefits of Silence
– Simple Yet Profound
 By Dr Paul Haider

There’s a lot of great science showing that silence is very beneficial to your health.
 Noise and especially noise over 30 decibels is associated with high blood pressure, anxiety, and stress. Lots of people get out of bed, take a shower, have coffee and put on the news and starts the cycle of stress for the day.
 Silence lowers blood pressure and allows you to deal with life’s challenges in a better way.
 Silence is like plugging in your phone… your mind needs to recharge too… and it does more recharging in silence than it does during sleep.
 Silence is important if it’s inside or outside, sometimes you have more chatter going on inside than you have noise outside. Close the door… take a few deep breaths… and sit some where for a while and just watch the chatter slow down.
 Silence allows you to find yourself in the midsts of all the crazy running around. Especially if you are a busy person, sometimes you get the feeling you are more of a human doing… than a human being… and silence will help you feel human again.
 Silence boosts your immune system… making it easier for your body to fight of invading bacteria and other pathogens.
 Silence makes you happy, spending time in silence boosts your brain chemistry… and as a great side effect you’re able to focus better too!
 Silence makes you look and feel younger and at the same time have a lot more energy.
 Silence reduces stress (lowers blood cortisol levels and adrenaline levels) which is the biggest killer in the world… adding 30 minutes of silence a day can change your life.
 Silence allows for good hormone regulation and interaction of all the hormone related systems in your body.
 Silence keeps plaques from forming in arteries… and thus helping to prevent cardiovascular disease and strokes.
 Silence reduces pain, and also helps your brain to become more interactive, thus you work with more of your brain… leading to higher cognitive abilities
Ankush shilimkar

Friday, 1 January 2016

Appreciate what you have

Appreciate what you have
Appreciate what you have and stop comparing yourself to others
We live in a society in which, in one way or another, everyone compares themselves to others. This in turn gives rise to a devastating feeling  jealousy. The following comic strip really helps you think about how this feeling is actually meaningless, and how important it is to appreciate what we have.
Ankush D Shilimkar

Depression should not be taken lightly

You would be surprised with how many people in your life could be going through depression at this very moment. People hide it like a paper bag over their heads out of fear of being judged, made fun of, seen as weak, or just not taken seriously. Depression should not be taken lightly, it holds us down from our purpose and potential in life. Those who tell you that it doesnt exist have never experienced depression in their life, therefore not understanding the symptoms and how its something that cannot be fixed in a day! So if you think you are depressed or if you think you know someone else who is, please talk to a friend, a family member, or anyone else in your life that you trust - never overlook the possibility of seeing a doctor for more professional help!! Your feelings are real, your feelings are shared upon millions. Dont hide it, talk to someone about it. With the right help, you can rediscover your confidence and begin life anew with our undying love and support!
We are right here!!
Ankush D Shilimkar